Now, we've been into this Quarter for a bit, but from this list of readings, students need to submit five homework assignments within three days of the due date. If you are later than three days, pass on the late penalty and just do the next one! I'd strongly prefer not to accept them late and for us to keep moving at a good pace. I've said if you get an abysmally low score, I can offer you an additional homework assignment by arrangement to raise your average. But most of you don't need the help.
Collection 6: Contemporary
Literature: 1939-Present
Game p. 980: 2,3,8,9
Rules of the Game p. 1025: 5,8,9,11
Daughter of Invention p. 1005: 2,4,5,8
Poems E. Bishop p. 1144: Fish: 7,8; Art: 2,3
Poems A. Sexton p. 1155: Bells: 6,7; Young: 3,5
Poems S. Plath p. 1150: Mirror: 1,4; Mushrooms: 1,4
The Way to Rainy Mountain p. 1100: 10,11,12,13
HW51 Straw
into Gold p. 1126: 5,7,8
Man Listening to Disk p. 1196: 1,3,4,5
Medusa p. 1191: 1,2,4,6
HW57 Visions and Interpretations p. 1187: 3,4,5
HW52 Night Journey p. 1133: 1,2,3,4
The final exam is not "cumulative," or based on these stories. The Q4 final is a self-contained test with its own readings and questions based on those readings.
Besides the literature assignments and tests, there will be Informative Speaking & Writing, Narrative Speaking & Writing, and an author Prezi - see list of topics below.
Writing 1 - Informative - Final draft by 4/20.
Writing 2 - Narrative - 1st draft by 5/1, final draft for 5/6.
Speaking 1 - Informative - also related to the other post - here you talk about the article & share pic
Speaking 2 - Narrative speaking - give a speech related to the topic you wrote about in writing 2
Prezi - individual presentation - student speaks for 5 mins./20+ slides on favorite author from this year. Include author bio, writing sample & style comments, and inspiring clues to genius. PowerPoint is accepted; bonus given for Prezi; slides must include works cited area. Prezis start 5/15.
Q4 blog reflection: (due by Thursday, 5/21)
A) write about something interesting you learned this year during a club or class activity or while volunteering or working at a job
A) write about something interesting you learned this year during a club or class activity or while volunteering or working at a job
B) advice to other students - if you are a senior tell students how to choose & apply for college and have a smooth senior year; non-seniors advise underclassmen on how to be better student or language learners
C) write something about your home country or culture that others from outside your country don't know, or write about plans for the future, such as college or summer.
C) write something about your home country or culture that others from outside your country don't know, or write about plans for the future, such as college or summer.
Q4 classroom notebook - due by Friday 5/15.
Later, we may watch a movie in class & after school, such as The Crucible. We also have The Great Debaters as another movie possibility, but after school. The Great Gatsby has also been mentioned.
List of Author Prezis - Students will be individually scheduled, with Honors students going first:
Arielle Tennessee Williams Claire Sandra Cisneros
Michelle Sylvia Plath Yumi F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sharah Ray Bradbury Joanna Virginia Woolf
Karen E.E. Cummings Alvyn Douglas Adams
Coleen John Steinbeck Allen Robert Frost
Paul Elizabeth Bishop Ken Nathaniel Hawthorne
Kevin Edgar Allan Poe Kate Washington Irving
Josh Ernest Hemingway Jill Langston Hughes
Calvin Maxine Hong Kingston Molly George Orwell
George William Carlos Williams Gordon Leo Tolstoy
Oscar Li Bo 李白 Book George Bernard Shaw
Arielle Tennessee Williams Claire Sandra Cisneros
Michelle Sylvia Plath Yumi F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sharah Ray Bradbury Joanna Virginia Woolf
Karen E.E. Cummings Alvyn Douglas Adams
Coleen John Steinbeck Allen Robert Frost
Paul Elizabeth Bishop Ken Nathaniel Hawthorne
Kevin Edgar Allan Poe Kate Washington Irving
Josh Ernest Hemingway Jill Langston Hughes
Calvin Maxine Hong Kingston Molly George Orwell
George William Carlos Williams Gordon Leo Tolstoy
Oscar Li Bo 李白 Book George Bernard Shaw
Here are some of the Presentations we have seen:
Jill Langston Hughes
Karen E.E. Cummings
Coleen John Steinbeck
Yumi F.Scott Fitzgerald
Claire Sandra Cisneros
Arielle Tennessee Williams
Michelle Sylvia Plath
Sharah Ray Bradbury
Joanna Virginia Woolf
Book George Bernard Shaw
Oscar Li Bai
Allen Robert Frost
Jill Langston Hughes
Karen E.E. Cummings
Coleen John Steinbeck
Yumi F.Scott Fitzgerald
Claire Sandra Cisneros
Arielle Tennessee Williams
Michelle Sylvia Plath
Sharah Ray Bradbury
Joanna Virginia Woolf
Book George Bernard Shaw
Oscar Li Bai
Allen Robert Frost
I will update this area with more details as they become needed. Enjoy your rest, you have earned it.
Extra Credit: Ars Poetica – Claribel Alegria – p. 1172:
1,2,3,4,5 (Nicaraguan writer)
HW49 The Girl Who
Wouldn’t Talk – M. Kingston – p. 1090: 4-8
HW53 The Beautiful
Changes – R. Wilbur – p. 1137: 5-8
HW60 The Crucible Act One– A. Miller – p.
1235: 4,7,8,10
HW61The Crucible Act
Two – A. Miller – p. 1248: 7-11
HW62The Crucible Act
Three – A. Miller – p. 1263: 3,4,6,7
HW63The Crucible Act
Four – A. Miller – p. 1274: 5, 9-11
Arthur Miller has been described as the "Shakespeare" among American dramatists, and is best known for Death of a Salesman. The Crucible is set in the Salem witch trials in early America, and takes on the feeling of a psychological courtroom drama, as the beautiful young "witch" wraps everyone around her little finger, so to speak.
And as long as you got time left to enjoy a bit of break, keep smiling and get rest before school starts!