The Sky Tree

The Sky Tree
"I must be given the fruit which grows at the very top of Sky Tree."

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bon appetit to Reading Groups

Some call them literature circles, others call them book clubs. Our goal is to read longer works that are on the famous side, but still entertaining. I've dipped into such sources as Amazon's best-selling classics list, Amazon's 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime list and their 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime Readers' Picks, Modern Library's list of 100 Best Novels ever written, and some personal recommendations, including my own.

I would like to ensure that all students read two longer works this year and also one play - all outside of the textbook. I'm ready, if need be, to buy them myself. You simply have to read them, and I do not want anything to get in the way of it. If you cannot read them because you were not assigned, boo-hoo, then you can at least hear the presentations by your classmates and know what's happening in the book. Then borrow it from me later in the year and don't forget to give it back! Next year's crew will need them.

If you have great fiction in your hands, you can't help but develop a love for reading. I mean, it's like going to the movies but never hearing of the great directors out there like Hitchcock, Kubrick, Scorsese, Spielberg, Coppola, and even Tarantino. If you don't know what I'm talking about, um, you are deprived, seriously deprived.

Anyway, we can't let that happen with literature, so I'll help you out by gently pushing you along to read these books. We don't have to wait for any kind of reading emphasis week or rule to go do it, let's just get going because time's a-wasting.

Here are the groups for the first semester book, which will be done by the end of Q2:

American Literature A1
Ken, Matthew, Coleen, Karen, David, Allen, Michelle, Yumi (8 students)
Huckleberry Finn Ken, Matthew, Allen, Yumi
Fahrenheit 451 Coleen, Karen, David, Michelle
American Literature A2
Arielle, Claire, Calvin, Joanna, Oscar, Alvyn, Jill, George, Kevin, Josh, Paul, Sharah, Hibiki. Kate (14 students)
Of Mice and Men Calvin, Josh, Kevin, Jill
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Alvyn, Paul, Sharah, Kate
Something Wicked This Way Comes Arielle, Claire, Joanna
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Hibiki, George, Oscar

American Literature B1
Michelle, Karen, Coleen, David, Calvin, Paul, Josh, Arielle, Sharah, Kevin (10 students)
Something Wicked This Way Comes Arielle
Fahrenheit 451 Michelle, Karen, Coleen, David
Of Mice and Men Calvin, Josh, Kevin
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Paul, Sharah

American Literature Lit. B2
Claire, Jill (2 students)
Something Wicked This Way Comes Claire
Of Mice and Men Jill

American Literature B3
Yumi, Ken, Joanna, Alvyn, Kate, Allen, Matthew, George, Oscar, Hibiki (10 students)
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Hibiki, George, Oscar
Something Wicked This Way Comes Joanna
Huckleberry Finn Yumi, Ken, Allen, Matthew

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Alvyn, Kate

Notice that you have been placed in groups a) reading a book you like when possible, b) with people who are not only in your A class, where the reading should usually happen, but also in your B class, where it sometimes may happen anyway.

You can expect 3 categories of responsibility here: 1) you will be quizzed on sections of the book and tested on the whole book, 2) you will be graded on your collaborative speaking, which means being prepared for assigned reading and doing your assigned role in the group - not only assigned by the teacher but sometimes assigned by other group members, 3) each group will do a presentation the last week of the semester using PowerPoint (or Prezi for a small bonus) explaining the book content and other agreed details, mostly relating to style.

Each book will be divided into 6 major sections, and subdivided into 12 minor sections. See below:

Here is a general reading schedule:
Thursday, October 2 Discuss 1-a
Wednesday, October 8 Discuss 1-b, then have Book Quiz 1 before holiday
Thursday, October 16 Discuss both 2-a & 2-b, then have Book Quiz 2 on Friday, October 17. Note days off on October 9 and October 10 as a good opportunity to do extra reading.
Thursday, October 23 Discuss 3-a
Thursday, October 30 Discuss 3-b, then have Book Quiz 3 on Friday, October 31
Thursday, November 6 Discuss 4-a
Thursday, November 13 Discuss 4-b, then have Book Quiz 4 on Friday, November 14
Thursday, November 20 Discuss 5-a
Wednesday, November 26 Discuss 5-b, then have Book Quiz 5 before holiday. Note days off on November 27 & 28 as good opportunities for more reading.
Thursday, December 4 Discuss 6-a and 6-b, and then have whole Book Test on Friday, December 5.

Presentations happen from Monday, December 8 through Thursday, December 11. 

Of Mice and Men
I p. 1-16; II p. 17-37; III p 38-65; IV p. 66-83; V p. 84-98; VI p. 99-107

Huckleberry Finn
1-a finish section 6 on p. 21; 1-b finish section 9 on p. 38; 2-a finish section 13 on p. 56; 2-b finish section 17 on p. 78; 3-a finish section 20 on p. 101; 3-b finish section 23 on p. 117; 4-a complete section 26 on p. 134; 4-b read up to p. 154, finishing section 29; 5-a read up through the end of section 33 to p. 174; 5-b read to end of section 36 or p. 188; 6-a read sections 38-40 (up to p. 207) and for 6-b go to the end, which is sections 41-43, or p. 208-220.

Fahrenheit 451
There are three sections of the book:
The Hearth and the Salamander – p. 1-65; 1-a = 1-16, 1-b = 16-33; 2-a = 34-50, 2-b = 51-65
The Sieve and the Sand – p. 67-106; 3-a = 67-77, 3-b = 78-88 top; 4-a = 88-98, 4-b = 99-106
Burning Bright – p. 107-158; 5-a = 107-119, 5-b = 120-133 top; 6-a = 133-147 top, 6-b = 147-158

To Kill a Mockingbird
I finish section 5 on p. 50
II finish section 10 on p. 99
III finish section 15 on p. 155
IV finish section 20 on p. 206
V finish section 27 on p. 254

VI finish section 30 on p. 276 

Other suggested pages to read for the remaining books will come later,.The final decision on which pages to read rests with the group, but it should be reasonable and the teacher must be informed. At the moment we still do not have Something Wicked This Way Comes. Students with the following books will receive their books from the librarian some time in the morning: Huckleberry Finn, Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. 

Most of these books are ones I have enjoyed - some are brand new and kind of a gamble, like Something Wicked This Way Comes - it seems to be different than I thought but should be good for the Halloween season, apparently. I like everything I have read by the author, Ray Bradbury, and have read Fahrenheit 451 multiple times now. Love that one! I hope you guys enjoy what you are reading too. If there is any serious heartburn about the book you are reading maybe we can discuss it. The best way to persuade me is to go buy your own agreed book and find someone else in your current group who will do the same - then you can have a 2-person team. It works especially well if that person is in both the A and B class with you, for maximum flexibility.

Remember, some books you chew slowly, and others you can devour quickly. For much of this, the more you eat, the more you will want to eat - something like ji pai or doritos - or fresh sashimi, perhaps. Bon appetit!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Our Experiment in Writing

This past week we had parent conferences, and one of the most prominent aspects of the conferences was how much everyone wants YOUR writing to improve, both in class and on standardized tests.
We should have two writing tasks per quarter, done well now that we have two classes per day. Also, we would like to do timed writing practice in the coming weeks to improve standardized testing results.

Writing is certainly an important component of our course. I've posted in other places on how to write well, and while it is not my goal to summarize those things here and now, you should be able to find links to on them to the right of this blog. Two of them are the current British Literature blog and last year's Literature 9 blog, where you can find general writing advice. Somewhere I have a list of good books on the craft of writing, which you could possibly borrow from me (if you ask nicely!), and later I hope to update this post with that list.

You should be finishing up your persuasive writing this week, by Thursday. A way to increase effectiveness would be to find out more information on the topic - on both sides of the issue, in the form of statistics, quotes by famous people, or well-known examples. Statistics should come from reliable sources like governmental or international agencies. We'll come back to this later in the year.

For the second writing of the First Quarter, or Q1, we are doing an informative/research paper. I'm calling it a mini-research paper, but it is not heavy on research for you. However, you will need to use a bibliography with three (3) sources, and at least 2 different categories. The idea here is to get you used to doing a bit of research and making a bibliography early in the year, because in Q2 you will have a longer research paper for your science classes that is related to science fair. That paper is counted twice - also for your English class - so it needs to be done well. If for some reason your science teacher or the school is not asking you to do a paper related to science fair, I will ask you to do a science-related paper that is longer in Q2. This current assignment is meant to be practice for that longer one coming up.

Notice that we are starting to read an interesting short story called Dr. Heidegger's Experiment (HW11, which is to be done two days early) in our literature textbook. This is about an old doctor who calls four elderly friends into his study to invite them to participate in an experiment. He claims to have liquid drawn from the Fountain of Youth in Florida, and pours them four glasses. They readily accept. They drink, and drink, and drink...wouldn't it be a boring story if the experiment totally failed? But note that the old doctor himself did not drink, but observed only. What he learned is different from any learning the participants had from drinking the liquid.

Now, for the writing, you have each been assigned a unique, health-related, informative article on the theme of staying young. The title of your article is the topic of your paper. For example, one of them is "How to Live Longer by Having a Little Fun" and the person doing this must inform me of the contents of this article plus do a bit more research on this topic. You should have three sources, and the summary of the three sources becomes the three body paragraphs in a 5-paragraph structure. For the introduction and conclusion, you keep it short and tell me what is coming & summarize, like this:

Topic (same as title of article) - How to Live Longer by Having a Little Fun

Paragraph I - Introduction - You say people can live longer by enjoying themselves, You are going to introduce three things, from the original article, from a web site on comedy & health, and a book on wine & health.

Paragraph II - Summarize the article you received - here you say too much stress increases the hormone called cortisol in your body, etc.

Paragraph III - Summarize what you find from your web site on how laughing and comedy can make you live longer. Keep it simple.

Paragraph IV - Say something from a book you found on how drinking red wine can help you live up to 20% longer, but only if you drink exactly one glass per day. Refer to examples in France of people who lived to over 100 years old doing this. Mention, as well, that some people don't find drinking red wine "fun."

Paragraph V - Conclusion - Say again that having fun makes you live longer, and mention the three things in paragraphs II, III, and IV, that you just said.

Last page - Use to cite your three sources, the article you received, the web site you used, and the book you used. This part is IMPORTANT as I am considering making this a separate grade.

You may use other kinds of things, such as personal interviews, to help you. allows you to cite personal interviews - while it is best to record them, you must at least take your own notes and remember the date on which it happened and the location, and the first and family name of the person interviewed. Some cases where that might work - one student has an article on avoiding cancer, and has a family member as a cancer survivor - interviewing that family member is a great idea.  Another student has an article that basically says to eat more vitamin E and C to live longer, but she works at a restaurant. So she can interview the boss, asking about the demand for healthy foods (especially containing those vitamins, like almonds & strawberries) in the restaurant. Be creative, but learn to cite your sources, and keep your paper simple and to around one page in length. The bibliography should be on a separate, second page. We'll look at in class together soon.

Later, I will update this post with a list of articles given, and links to the articles. Enjoy researching!

Here is a list of articles assigned last week for the Q1 informative/research writing - for the names of the students assigned to each article, please follow this link:

6 Causes of Cancer that Can Be Prevented
9-Step Plan to Control Your Anger
10 Bad Habits that Age You
A Blood Test for Depression Shows the Illness Is Not a Matter of Will
Among Malaria Parasites, a Real Feel for Mosquitoes
Beating Back the Risk of Diabetes
Cheating Ourselves of Sleep
Drink Soda Take 12,000 Steps
Eat These Treats, Live Longer
Happiness and Your Health
How Can I Slow Aging with Exercise
How to Live Longer by Having a Little Fun
Important Numbers to Keep Track of For Better Health
In a Chair, Take a Break
Learning How to Exert Self-Control
Purpose in Life Brings Longevity
Stems Cells, Plenty of Hope, but Halting Progress
Training Dogs to Sniff Out Cancer 
What are Some Anti-Aging Superfoods
What are the Most Important Things I can Do to Live Longer
Would Most Women Rather Look Young or Thin? Survey Says
Tai Chi Eases Depression in Elderly

It may also be good, in your writing, to tie together your article with the story - Dr. Heidegger's Experiment. For example, if the four guests had just shown a little more self-control, the outcome might have been better. These brief allusions may be used in either the introduction or conclusion paragraphs, or both.

Also, it may be possible to have a follow-up activity in class, where groups of students get together and share similarities in their articles & research, then share with the whole class. We could have groups on anti-cancer, good nutrition, good habits, and so on. One way is to have each group just stand up and talk about their findings. Another way is to have a "jigsaw," where representatives from each group are sent to the other group, and come back and explain their findings to their original group. Then the original group could stand up and briefly share a summary of their findings in comparison with what they learned from the other groups. It takes longer but is more fun, assuming everyone's prepared.

I urge you to start early on this assignment, while keeping up with the reading in class. Our reading, writing, and speaking schedule take priority over things like grammar practice or standardized test practice. Keep a good attitude and steady pace, and watch the results over a few months!